dental plate


dental plate 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a dental prosthesis; denture.

dental plate 近义词

dental plate

等同于 dentures

dental plate 的近义词 5
dental plate

等同于 false teeth

更多dental plate例句

  1. With their fused dental plates, the predators had little trouble snapping the shellfish to get to the meaty insides.
  2. Have you looked around the American Dental Association website for an explanation of how fluoridation actually works?
  3. Placed in drinking water, fluoride can serve people who otherwise have poor access to dental care.
  4. To put it rather uncharitably, the USPHS practiced a major dental experiment on a city full of unconsenting subjects.
  5. Added to drinking water at concentrations of around one part per million, fluoride ions stick to dental plaque.
  6. Dental leaders barnstormed the state, and cities began to fluoridate.
  7. Well, the pudding moment arrived, and a huge slice almost obscured from sight the plate before us.
  8. He conducts this ceremony with the greatest solemnity, occasionally pronouncing these incantatory words, "Plate or shell, sah?"
  9. We sat down pell-mell, anywhere, I next to Liszt, who kept putting things on my plate.
  10. He silenced her with a gesture, and, leaving a piece of toast half-eaten on his plate, he got up and went into his study.
  11. The prizes were plate, and the profits were to be expended in repairing the havens of the kingdom.